WirelessCar Sweden AB, reg. no. 556640-4785 (WirelessCar, “we”, “our”, “us”) is dedicated to respecting your privacy. WirelessCar only collects the personal data needed to enable users to use the WirelessConsole Portal (“Portal”) and to provide a safe and pleasant experience for users.

This Notice (“Privacy Notice”) aims to help you understand how we will process any personal data collected from you, and how WirelessCar may use, share, and protect that information.

WirelessCar is the controller of the personal data that WirelessCar obtains from you and the other sources described below.

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact WirelessCar by email, post, or phone at:

WirelessCar, Vädursgatan 6, SE-41250 Göteborg, Sweden

+46 10 288 70 00


For you to register an account on the Portal, we will process certain personal data about you.

When you create a user account, we ask you to leave certain information about yourself, including your name, e-mail address, and password. Please note that this information is necessary for you to create an account in the Portal. We process this information to create and administer your account. The legal ground for processing is our legitimate interest to manage your user account.

WirelessCar also stores and processes information about audit logs consisting of user activities, including your IP address, as well as information about your computer and internet connection, including your operating system and browser type. We collect this data for business analytical purposes as well as to maintain and secure the Portal. The legal ground for processing is our legitimate interest to maintain and improve the Portal and provide a good user experience for our users.

WirelessCar will retain your personal data for as long as you have a user account and we therefore have an on-going relationship with you.

We delete your account when and if the user account registration is cancelled or the user account has not been logged into for a year. However, we will retain the personal data for such period that may be required to comply with local legal obligations or to satisfy any legal requirements in the event of an actual, threatened, or anticipated dispute or claim.

WirelessCar will obtain your personal data from yourself e.g., during the registration process, and from your use of the Portal.

Your personal data may be shared with WirelessCar affiliates and with certain categories of third parties, which may include transfer of personal data to other countries.

WirelessCar will generally not share your personal data with anyone outside of its group of companies, unless required by law or regulations. However, WirelessCar may, if necessary to fulfil the purpose for processing the personal data, share your personal data with another group company, including company outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area (EU/EEA). WirelessCar may also, if necessary to fulfil the purpose for processing the personal data, share your personal data with third party suppliers, including suppliers outside of EU/EEA. Any transfers of your personal data (including transfers from within the EU/EEA to outside the EU/EEA) will be governed by an agreement based on EU approved Standard Contractual Clauses or such other mechanisms as have been recognized or approved by the relevant authorities from time to time.

Your data protection rights

You have the right to access and request from WirelessCar information about the personal data processed about you and access to such personal data. You also have a right to request rectification of your personal data if this is incorrect and request erasure of your personal data. Further, you have a right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data meaning that you request WirelessCar to limit its processing of your personal data under certain circumstances. There is also a right for you to object to the processing based on legitimate interest or processing for direct marketing. Where provided under applicable laws and regulations, you have as well the right to data portability (i.e., transfer of your personal data to another controller) if WirelessCar processing of your personal data is based on consent or contractual obligation and is automated.

You also have the right to lodge any complaints you may have regarding WirelessCar processing of your personal data to a supervisory authority. To exercise these rights, please contact the respective WirelessCar entity via the contact information mentioned in the Section “Identity and contact details of the controller”.

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice as needed. When we do, we will note the date that any such changes are made and/or when they become effective at the top of this Privacy Notice.

If the changes are material, we will also send you an e-mail to communicate such changes and any choices you may have or actions you can take before they go into effect.